In winemaking countries, they have learned how to make good light wine. Here are some of the secrets of making it:
- Use grapes that do not belong to the dyeing varieties;
- Berries are processed in such a way as to eliminate as much as possible the contact between the peel and the pulp;
- Strictly control the temperature, periodically cooling if necessary.
- Ferment the product without the skin.
- Press the raw material very quickly so that no staining occurs.
- Create optimal temperature conditions for fermentation (about + 20°C).
There are several varieties of grapes in different countries that have coloring pigments in all parts of the grapes. These include the following berries:
- Cabernet;
- Syrah;
- Pino;
- Saperavi;
- Tenurier;
- Alicante Boucher;
The rest of the grapes have a whitish or clear greenish juice with a slight yellowish or pinkish hue. A drink made from berries of the same variety grown in different countries will be different.
To prevent the red hue of the rind from getting into the drink, a triple pressing process is used to extract the juice from the grapes harvested along with the branches and leaves. For the process a special press is used, capable of completely separating the juice from the peel with the squeezed pulp. Care is taken not to allow the pulp to get into the liquid.
The price of white wine often depends on the fame of the brand or the secret techniques used in the making. Many French producers dry their berries on straw bedding in the fresh air to add sweetness. This is how the wine country achieves a pleasantly sweet texture to the drink. It is less watery and of higher quality. Thus, the number of bottles in this country is lower.