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Wine Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo

Wine Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo


  • A Taste of The Vineyard
  • MA, North Andover
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$11.99 A Taste of The Vineyard

  • COLLE SECCO RUBI MONT DABRUZZO 2013, 750 ML [Standard]
  • MA, North Andover

Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo

What is Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine?

Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano D'Abruzzo Wine is a rich, ruby-red wine made from Montepulciano grapes in the Abruzzo region of Italy.

Where is Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine from?

This wine is from the Cantina Tollo winery located in the Abruzzo region of Italy.

How is Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine made?

This wine is made by fermenting the Montepulciano grapes in stainless steel tanks before ageing in oak barrels for several months.

What to expect in Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine?

This wine has a rich and fruity taste with notes of black cherry, plum, and spice.

What does Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo wine taste like?

Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine has a full-bodied taste with a rich and fruity flavor.

What food does Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine pair with?

This wine pairs well with rich and hearty dishes such as beef, lamb, or pasta with tomato sauce.

How should I serve Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo wine?

This wine should be served at room temperature in a large, wide-mouthed glass to allow the wine to breathe.

What kind of wine is Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo?

Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo is a rich and full-bodied red wine.

Buy Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine Online

If you're looking to buy Cantina Tollo Colle Secco Rubi Montepulciano Dabruzzo Wine online, look no further than Vi.wine. Our online marketplace offers a range of wines from around the world, including this delicious Italian red. Simply browse our selection, select your wine, and have it delivered straight to your door. So why wait? Start shopping today and discover the best wines online!