Carmenere Red Semi-Dry Wine
Carmenere is a technical grape variety used to make red wines. It is mostly blended with other grape varieties. The percentage of different berries used can vary depending on the year of harvest. The berries used for this wine are handpicked, sorted, and crushed. The raw material is then fermented at a temperature of 30 degrees. The red semi-dry Carmenere wine is aged in oak barrels for a year to acquire a rich flavor. This wine comes from Aconcagua, where the warm climate saturates the berries with a full bouquet of flavors and aromas.
People love Carmenere red semi-dry wine for its unique characteristics, such as its moderate sweetness, fruity aroma, and a balanced taste that goes well with red meat dishes and cheeses with mold. This wine can be ordered from anywhere in the world.
With our service, you can select Carmenere red semi-dry wine from different brands, countries, and regions. You can also compare sugar content, strength, and prices from different stores.