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Wine from the Region of Montenegro

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Montenegro Wines - Rich and Distinctive Flavors

Montenegro creates mostly tart and dry wines, with sweet drinks that are more akin to fruit and berry liqueurs. The most popular grape varieties are Vranac and Krstac. Vranac is a red wine with a rich and deep bouquet, consisting of notes of berries, spices, and oak wood. Krstac, on the other hand, is a white wine with hints of ripe peaches, pears, citrus, minerals, and aromatic Mediterranean herbs. Montenegrin wines are radically different but have a recognizable character.

  • Tart and dry wines
  • Sweet drinks more akin to fruit and berry liqueurs
  • Distinctive character
  • Popular grape varieties include Vranac and Krstac

Montenegrin wines pair well with a variety of foods, including smoked and dried pork, roasted or stewed veal, fish goulash, seafood, and desserts.

  • Vranac
  • Krstac