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Vignerons De Provence Wine

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Vignerons De Provence Wine

Vignerons De Provence wine is a refreshing option on a warm day. This wine is made from a variety of grape varieties, including Grenache, Cinsault, Syrah, and Mourvèdre. The wine is known for its pale pink color, light body, and crisp acidity, which makes it a delightful treat.

To make Vignerons De Provence wine, the grapes are harvested, destemmed, and gently pressed before they are fermented in stainless steel tanks. The wine is then aged for a short period before being bottled and released to the market.

Vignerons De Provence wine has a distinct taste, with notes of fresh fruit, such as strawberry and raspberry, as well as citrus and floral aromas. Being a dry wine with minimal residual sugar after fermentation.

Vignerons De Provence wine pairs well with seafood, salads, and light pasta dishes. It is a great wine to enjoy alone as an aperitif.

This wine is best served chilled, at around 8-10 degrees Celsius. This temperature helps to enhance its flavors and aromas, making it even more refreshing to drink.

A bottle of Vignerons De Provence wine usually has an alcohol content of around 12-13%.

You can easily find this wine on the Vi.Wine marketplace, which provides a wide range of wines from different regions. Order now and treat yourself to the refreshing taste of Vignerons De Provence wine.